Friday, April 13, 2012

Do We Really Need... Blog Sites & Social Media?

OK OK, I know I know, I am not an idiot - I am completely aware of the irony.  I am not even sure if I will be able to make relevancy apply, but I sure as hell am going to try.  Let me clear one thing up before I start: I am not just questioning if blog sites are necessary (I am going to dig myself deeper here), I am also questioning whether social media, twitter, and every other narcissist-based online website/application are.


I am pretty sure, sometime way way in the past (I.E. 10 years ago), people had to physically SEE each other (or at least TALK on the phone), to do the whole "catching up" thing - Now, don't mistake this as me suggesting I miss that...  I despised having to actually APPEAR that I cared, so social media is actually perfect for me (still digging) - Let me also point out that "catching up" did not include waking up tired, and calling ALL of your friends to tell them you didn't feel like working that day.  

Now you know where I was going with the whole narcissism thing.  Social Media (while shielding us from social contact, which is a huge plus) really brings out the narcissism in everyone, and makes it completely acceptable.  I don't care about where you are.  I don't want to look at your kid's shitty drawing (or your shitty kid for that matter).  I don't care if you "like" Jordan Knight, Captain Morgan, or that shitty local bar that looks like a complete and utter shit-hole.  Lets look at the other disservices and negative contributions social media has done to our world:

  1. Made the duck-face popular and acceptable.
  2. Created Perez Hilton.
  3. Guilt brought on by really not wanting to accept that person's friend request
  4. Allows us to hide behind a computer when we really don't give a crap (OK, that might be a plus).
  5. Google+
  6. Created Perez Hilton.
  7. Caused the financial crisis of '09.
  8. President Bush.
OK, so it is going to take more than a quick Google search to find evidence that would support the last two...  As soon as I find some evidence I will provide it in a blog update (LOL, if you think I am going to do actual research, head to the back of the class).


Bloggers and blog sites are stupid (Less this one, The Amazing Blog Spot, DeadLobby.Com, and the blog of Don'ts).  I am a member of many news/opinion websites.  I join conversations in almost every article I read.  When I get into discussions with people, they usually point me to an article written by a complete hack with no credentials posted on their personal blog site.  The word "blog" itself is stupid.  Al Gore created the damn internet and couldn't single-handedly come up with a better term for "Online Journal"?  E-Mail is catchy, I can get down with "wiki", but blog?!?  "OJ" is even more suitable!

So folks, it is time to disconnect, get outside, and get back to becoming social again.  I know I am, right after I update my Facebook status to let all of my friends (who vehemently care about my life) that I just posted to my "OJ".

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